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Rubina Elizabeth Cromwell

Rubina Cromwell

-Still a WIP-

Faceclaim: elyse levesque


Name: Rubina Elizabeth Cromwell


Age: Wouldn’t You Like To Know -Looks around mid 20s-Early 30s-


Hair: Red; Darker than her elder sister Luna’s Vibrant fire-red; Curled slightly


Eyes: Heterochromia; One Sapphire Blue, the other Emerald Green


Rubina was always the tomboy in there younger days; she was the one that would rather wear jeans then a dress to Laura & Luna’s dismay even at some of the more prominent events within the Shire and they all had to be present for; she was the rough and rowdy one with a sass to boot. However this changed rather quickly after one fateful night; after a fight in an alleyway led her to pass out, She woke up the next morning feeling rather- strange; a hunger for something she couldn’t place ran through her system. Yet, it felt- Different somehow this time; as she sat up and looked at herself in the mirror something clicked in her mind

No….No; not this- not- no…..



Something- or someone had bitten her but- yet something felt, off she could feel her system adjusting, she still had her power; that she could feel but; how? She didn’t feel the full extent of the change; however, and that in itself was worrying. What had done this? Who had done this?

She soon realized she had only taken to half of the change- brushing it off as the guards Luna and Laura had put over there magic to protect the line- to protect them and there home; she grew slowly use to the lifestyle; though now she feared returning to her sisters, losing control and hurting one of them, especially Luna or Celeste, the baby of the clan; she couldn’t stand it...So; she turned to the one group she knew of- although vaguely at the time, and joined the Assassin’s. This was no easy feat; but with her own talents in stealth, heightened alongside her senses after the change; it didn’t take long for her to work her way up in ranks, what with the help of the teachings of more than a few of the assassin master’s. She soon found a name amongst the Creed…


The Red Vixen

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